Time Matches        Front Nine |
4:00 Pendrick, DaPra & Benko 4:08 Celano, Balaka & Knight 4:16 Danlovich, Randy Walla & Kisic 4:24 Jimmy Walla, Prokop & Raja 4:32 Novak, Hartzel & Smith with D. Smith 4:40 Ranusch, Zarras & Romeo 4:48 Curmi, Reseigh & Macek 4:56 Lynch, Taylor & Tanderys 5:04 THE FINAL FOUR - Ken Anderson v. Tim Martin 2 / Mark Zalewski v. Greg Polkowski 2 As in the Past, 2 tee shots are required to be used by each member of the 3 man teams and MUST be noted on the scorecard , if not your team will be DQ'd - that doesn't stand for a trip to the Dairy Queen... Good Luck to All !! BALL DOWN - BALL DOWN - BALL DOWN |